Succession Planning Services

Professional Succession Planning Services for Sustained Business Growth

Staying one step ahead with succession planning

You’ve dedicated your life to starting and growing your business, but have you thought about what happens next? Every business owner needs to plan for his or her exit from the company—before they’re ready to retire. Mowery & Schoenfeld helps businesses, owners, and management make these transitions with grace and efficiency.


Business Succession Planning Tailored to You

Whether the owner or a key member of management is thinking of retiring, shareholders or members are considering liquidating their interests, or there has been an unexpected change in circumstances, our financial advisors have been there before and can help you make a smooth transition.

At Mowery & Schoenfeld, we also understand succession planning may be a sensitive issue, particularly for the owners of family businesses. Without a plan for orderly turnover in place, your heirs and company management may go on battling over the future management of your business for years to come. Having an objective advisor develop a succession plan is of utmost importance to keeping your family businesses going after a retirement or other event.

The professionals at Mowery & Schoenfeld have years of experience working with family-owned businesses and helping them through periods of transition. Mowery & Schoenfeld remains objective in our evaluation, prioritizing the longevity of your business.

Comprehensive Business Succession Planning Services & Solutions

Below are the succession planning services offered by the professionals at Mowery & Schoenfeld. If you have any questions about the scope of the service, reach out to our lead succession planning consultant today!

Our Succession Planning Process

At Mowery & Schoenfeld, our succession planning process is designed to ensure the seamless transition of leadership and critical roles within your organization. We start by identifying the key roles essential to the continued success of your business. Next, we conduct a comprehensive talent assessment to identify potential successors, focusing on their skills, experience, and leadership potential.

Once potential successors are identified, we create tailored development and training programs to prepare them for future leadership roles. Our process also includes ongoing monitoring and evaluation to track the progress of successors to make adjustments as necessary. This structured approach ensures that your business remains resilient and capable of thriving through leadership changes.

Why Choose Mowery & Schoenfeld for Business Succession Planning Services

Choosing Mowery & Schoenfeld for your business succession planning services means partnering with a team of experts who are dedicated to securing the future of your organization. We offer comprehensive services that cover every aspect of succession planning, from identifying potential leaders to their ongoing development and have helped numerous businesses transition their leadership while maintaining stability and growth. At Mowery & Schoenfeld, we prioritize our clients and work closely with you to create a succession plan that guarantees your business’s long-term success.

Get Started with Succession Planning Services from Mowery & Schoenfeld

Talk to a business succession planning consultant today.


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