Matter & Substance
  April 14, 2014

Today We Celebrate

April 15 - It means many different things to so many people. Some happily await their refunds while others begrudgingly write their checks. Then there is always the race to the post office at the last minute.

At Mowery & Schoenfeld, we are celebrating this day. We celebrate teamwork, hard work, great clients, and our pride in being a CPA.

Taxpayers and CPAs alike know 2013 was a challenging tax year. There have been significant changes in the tax which resulted in higher tax rates and lost deductions. In addition, 2013 was a big year in the stock market resulting in many gains being harvested. There also are remaining questions regarding future tax reform that keep everyone on their toes.

However, it's these challenges that present opportunities in the eye of a CPA. The opportunity to help clients make decisions today that prepare them and their business for the future.

We have a terrific team at Mowery & Schoenfeld who have met this year's challenges, worked together, advised our clients through difficult decisions and conquered another tax season with positive attitudes. They never say no. It is an honor to work with such an outstanding group of people. I am very proud of our team.

To our team and to our clients, thank you for another great year.

Today we celebrate.


"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty...I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well." - Theodore Roosevelt