Matter & Substance
  September 14, 2014

Chaos Generates Greatness

"At times, the high-performing firm appears dysfunctional and in constant chaos, but this is part of their continual commitment to improve at greatness," Allan Koltin, Koltin Consulting Group.

This quote immediately resonated with me. A little chaos goes a long way in my environment. I'm a person who likes challenges, being introduced to new things, learning, and looking to the future for new ideas and motivators. Chaos is very comfortable and motivating for me in my leadership role.

However, I've learned over the years as managing partner of Mowery & Schoenfeld that all of my partners may not function as well as I do in chaos. I've had the challenge of balancing my need for chaos and quick start initiatives with their need for finality, certainty and stability. Of course, this is probably why our partnership works so well - we keep each other in check to make sure the latest and greatest ideas are properly implemented and prioritized.

I know I'll never stop the chaos or pushing new ideas through - as Allan says, it's part of our continual commitment to improve at greatness - however, I know there are a few partners who will always push for more certainty. Thank goodness for both types!

- Jeff

"Chaos is a friend of mine." - Bob Dylan