Review by Jeff Mowery
I was first introduced to the work of Patrick Lencioni when I read Five Dysfunctions of a Team. I really enjoyed his style of making points through a fable as it really helps you relate the points that he is making to your own particular situation. The author then wraps up with a more standard analysis of the subject matter – providing a proposition, supporting the theory and stating the intended conclusions.
The book has a sort of a strange title but it stands for the proposition that transparency with clients helps build loyalty. The author speaks of three dominant fears – fear of losing business, fear of being embarrassed, and fear of feeling inferior. These fears often drive a service provider to a position of asserting strength when there is none. This does not help build lasting relationships based on trust.
When we get rid of these fears we can:
- Always provide immediate value to those we serve rather than sell ourselves
- Give away the business without holding back for something else first
- Tell the truth and not sugar coat the obvious
- Enter the danger, our zone of discomfort, rather than avoid it
- Ask the right question that no one else ever asks
- Make suggestions that might sound dumb but which actually stimulate thinking as opposed to suggesting the obvious
- Celebrate our mistakes, our failures, as these are key learnings for growth
- Take a bullet for a friend as taking responsibility and sacrificing is the greatest thing we can do for another.
- Make everything about the client
- Roll up our sleeves and do the dirty work
- Admit we are human and have our own weaknesses and limitations
The key to success in business is building relationship. This book is a primer on how to build strong relationship by focusing on how we can help our clients and friends.